Fads to Obsessions and Beyond...

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Picture Gallery

Note: Image loading can be slow depending on server load.

The Picture Gallary contains "albums" which have thumb-nails of all the pictures from the various projects detailed in the site. Clicking on a thumb-nail displays the full size photograph.

Clicking on the name of the "album" will display the web-page containing the background information, schematic diagrams, example circuits, DIY PCB/breadboard, programming code and other information as relevant to the particular electronic component and or project.

Comments/Questions (2)

Topic: Picture Gallery
ohyeahFTW says...
How do I download pictures?
7th July 2015 1:01am
FadsToObsessions says...
Just use your browser "save as" function. There is no separate section or area for downloading of pictures. Firstly, just log-in as a member, then click on the desired thumb-nail in the picture gallery to bring up the full resolution picture. "Right-click" on this picture and use the "save as" menu function of whichever browser you are using. That's it.
8th July 2015 10:03am
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