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Power Supply - 4A, 25V

This project is still under active development.

This project is still under active development.

This project is still under active development.

  • PSU-4 Amp Supply SchematicPSU-4 Amp Supply Schematic

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    PSU-4Amp Supply Schematic

This project did not require a PCB.

The construction was done using prototyping board. See the photographs and schematic diagram sections.

Qty Schematic Part-Reference Value Notes
1R11001W, 10% 
1R2470K1W, 10% 
1R31001W, 10% 
1VR1275VACMOV varister 
1C11uFX2 rated metallised film 275VAC  
1C2100uFelectrolytic, 25V 
1D11N5231Zener, 5.1V 500mW 
1BR1W06GBridge Rectifier, Vrms Max 420 

This project is still under active development.

This project is still under active development.

  • 1: PSU-4Amp supply on bread board


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