Brief details about the DIY development board circuit in terms of individual hardware "blocks" are given below. "Major" components such as the Nokia 5510 LCD and matrix keypad etc are discussed in more detail on seperate pages with the links provided.
Power Supply
As mentioned in the Project Background Section, a "wall wart" power supply was chosen rather than constructing a dedicated DC power supply dropping/converting from a AC wall socket. Surplus chargers from laptops are readily available (in this case supplying 16-24V with 65W max) which provide not only a safer option (compared to construction from a suitable transformer, rectifier, connection to AC etc) but also a much more economical option (generally zero cost for a surplus charger, compared to ten's of dollars for a suitable transformer, let alone cost of ancillary circuitry, PCB etc).
The surplus laptop charger requires suitable socket connection and a voltage regulator, in this case a LM317T, to provide the regulated 5V generally required by PIC microcontrollers. The power supply circuit is given in the Schematics Section. The LM317T circuit is the standard design direct from the datasheet, with input and output capacitors to provide smoothing and the resistor/potentiometer to provide selection of output voltage.
A variable LM317 option was chosen, rather than a fixed 5V regulator, as this enabled the power supply of the DIY Development Board to be more generally versatile if to be used for another application/project. A small heat sink was included with the LM317 as the laptop charger provides 16V input, which means ~10V needs to be dissipated.
Since many peripherals and components now being produced utilise 3.3V input, the DIY Development Board provides a seperate fixed 3.3V source via the LM1086 regulator. The LM1086 input is from the regulated 5V to minimise necessary voltage dissipation, and hence no heat sink was necessary.
Basic Microcontroller Connection
The minimal circuitry required to operate the typical PIC (18F and 16F series in this case) include 5V regulated supply, oscillator (generally external crystal oscillator), in-circuit serial programming connections and a method to connect to the various I/O ports.
The power supply is discussed previously (LM317 regulator). Since the DIY Development Board will use a variety of microcontrollers, option is made so that various crystal oscillators can be used as required (i.e. a crystal was not hardwired, but a couple of input pins provided so that the physical crystal can be changed as necessary). The PIC datasheets discuss required type of crystal or ceramic resonator and necessary capacitance, however, a 22pF capacitance is readily available, falls within the middle of the recommended ranges, and in practice does not seem particularly critical. Therefore, a fixed 22pF is provided on the DIY Development Board for the crystal oscillator.
In Circuit Serial Programming
The PICkit has a 6-pin connector (molex/dupont), but since it is the female end, a DIY connector made from suitable cables/pins is easy to fabricate. For the "usual" 18F and 16F series PIC microcontrollers (40 pin) only five pins are actually used, and the pin order is given in the schematics. The PGM pin 6 is not used (this is only for specialised programming in a commerical production setting).
Since the ICSP will be for a development board, where the actual hardware and wiring will vary and the potential for "mistakes" is relatively high, the ICSP connection circuitry is perhaps overly cautious and would not necessarily all be required in a final built design. Again, because of the planned use in "development environment" a reset switch is also included.
The PICkit 2 provides target Vdd (5V) during programming and the MCLR (pin 1) is the programming voltage which is generally 13V. Diode D1 in the schematic prevents the ICSP high voltage from interacting with the power supply circuit. Resistor R1 is the necessary pull-up for the PIC MCLR pin, whereas, diode D2 and capacitor C3 provide quick turn-off and a defined rise time for power-on/reset start. Switch SW2 provides reset of the PIC.
The signals on the PGD and PGC lines transmit the actual programming to the PIC, and since the PIC pins (generally port B pin 6 and 7 for the 18F and 16F series) are also general purpose I/O lines, it is recommended that these are isolated from any attached circuitry during programming. This will avoid the PICkit2 (or other programmer) attempting to power-up such circuitry. Similarily, since the PICkit2 provides the target Vdd, the PIC Vdd pin 20 is also isolated during ICSP to stop any potential interaction with the power supply.
Isolation of ICSP pins 1, 4 and 5 (Vdd, PGD and PGC respectively) is enabled by single pole, multiple throw switch SW1. Again, this is being overly cautious, but since the multiple throw switch was available, safer to include such an option. Alternatively, simple jumper wire links could be used instead (although not as convenient as an actual switch).
Connection to the various PIC ports is provided by hard wired leads that enable using the solderless breadboard component of the DIY development board as a "junction" box. This is a very flexible and easily implemented option.
The currently implemented peripherals are listed as follows:
- Matrix Keypad (including external I2C support via PDF8574 8-bit port expander to maximise "free" I/O pins on the interfaced PIC)
- TTP229 Capacitive Touch Keypad (16 keys)
- LCD Display 16x2 Character (HD44780 compliant)
- RS232 connectivity (PIC USART and MAX232)
- Nokia 5110 LCD 84x48 LCD
- HC-05 Bluetooth serial communications
- SD Card (<2MB) Interface
Circuit descriptions for these accessories are detailed in the links in the above list. The Schematic Diagram section provides the connection schematics for each component utilised.
The currently implemented accessories are listed as follows:
Circuit descriptions for these accessories are detailed in the links in the above list. The Schematic Diagram section provides the connection schematics for each component utilised.
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